We are a subsidiary company of fertilizer producer.

We engage in International trade of:Nitrogen fertilizers
Nitrogen fertilizers with inhibitors
Phosphorus fertilizers
Potassium fertilizers
Calcium, magnesium and sulphur Fertilizers
Micronutrient fertilizers
Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) NP 10:46 Granular fertilizer with open-access phosphorus and low nitrogen for agricultural plants. It is a good beginning fertilizer used during sowing (planting). A drop in temperature gives plants with the phosphorus they require. It provides transient acidity of the soil around the granule, indicating some benefits on neutral and alkaline soils.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ammonium polyphosphate NP 11:37 Maximum phosphorus availability and absorption by plants as compared to standard solid phosphorus-based fertilizers, particularly on soils rich in calcium carbonate. During foliar application, it provides a rise in production for various crops. It works best in dry weather conditions. On farms, it is simple to store.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ammonium nitrate N 34,4 A concentrated granular nitrogen fertilizer used to deliver nitrogen to agricultural plants in the early spring, as well as after cutting and grazing to enhance after growing, active growth, and formation of green material. It is a general and high-performance mineral fertilizer with equal parts ammonia and nitrate nitrogen. The continuous usage has an acidifying impact on the soil, necessitating frequent calcification.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S)+Ca+Zn 10:15:15(10)+6CaO+0,2Zn Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and zinc are the six components of this complex fertilizer. It is indicated for acid soils, particularly pre-sowing applications to eliminate excess soil acidity in the plant rhizosphere. It is especially beneficial to vegetable crops that are susceptible to calcium insufficiency, such as tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce. Furthermore, it benefits soils with low labile sulphur and zinc, particularly during maize cultivation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S)+B+Zn 13:17:17(6)+0,15B+0,6Zn A distinct grade including three major macroelements, a mesoelement (sulphur), and microelements (boron and zinc). The fertilizer is ideal for producing practically any crop on soils with low labile sulphur, boron, and zinc levels. During pre-sowing treatment, it delivers balanced local nourishment to plants. It is very useful for the primary application on the soil.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S) 12:15:21 (8) A four-component grade with a medium phosphorus content and a high potassium and sulfur content. It is an excellent fertilizer for soils with medium to high phosphorus fertility and poor potassium and sulfur fertility. Because of the narrow phosphorus/sulphur ratio, plants absorb more phosphorus from the fertilizer in soils with a neutral and weakly alkaline response, ensuring the greatest beneficial interaction between these fertilizer ingredients. It is efficiently employed for all crops.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S) 13:19:19 (6) Most concentrated complex fertilizer for both basic fall soil application after winter harvesting and spring use as a pre-sowing and starter fertilizer. It supplies all of the phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur needed for technical, cereal, and tilled crops. Plants can utilise nutrients more effectively when they are in the proper amounts and in a water-soluble state. When used on sunflower, it does not require any additional nitrogen feeding.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NP(S) 16:20 (12) A three-component fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. It is especially beneficial to soils with high potassium and low labile sulphur content. Because sulphur stimulates oil buildup in seeds, this grade is essential for oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower, and flax. Sulphur nutrition is especially important for wheat and soybeans because it stimulates protein buildup in grains.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NP(S) 16:20 (12) A three-NP(S) 16:20(12) A complicated three-component fertilizer combining nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. It is especially beneficial in soils with high potassium and low labile sulphur concentration. Because sulphur stimulates oil buildup in seeds, this grade is critical for oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower, and flax. Sulphur nutrition must be optimized for wheat and soybeans because sulphur enhances protein formation in cereals.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NP(S) 20:20 (14) A sulphur-containing compound fertilizer for high potassium soils. This grade is especially good for spring applications when crops demand more sulphur. Its use promotes active plant growth, as well as the development of immunity and strength. The final product's quality is also improved by boosting the protein content of grains and the oil content of sunflower seeds and rapeseed. It is an excellent corn starting fertilizer.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK 12:32:16 Fertilizer complex comprising nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and, to a lesser extent, sulfur. It may be used on a variety of soils, particularly those with low labile phosphorus and high labile potassium.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NP(S) 14:40 (7) A three-component fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. It is very beneficial for soils with low labile phosphorus, high potassium, and low labile sulfur. When applied near seeds, the broad nitrogen/phosphorus ratio allows for optimal utilization of this fertilizer during sowing.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAP (monoammonium phosphate) NP 12:52 The best solid granular fertilizer for providing crops with easily absorbed phosphate and nitrogen. These nutrients are essential for rapid sprouting and vegetative growth. The transient mild acidification of the soil solution surrounding the fertilizer granule has the greatest influence on soil nutrition systems with the neutral and slightly alkaline response. Ammonia nitrogen helps plants absorb more phosphorus.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NP 18:46 diammonium phosphate (DAP) The most concentrated phosphate-based fertilizer available. It is ideal for any agricultural crop since it provides complete phosphorus nutrition throughout crop growth and development, as well as a beginning dosage of nitrogen and low sulphur. It may be used for tilling in the autumn and sowing in the spring, as well as pre-sowing cultivation. When dissolved in soil, it temporarily raises the pH of the soil solution surrounding the fertilizer granule, promoting improved phosphorus absorption from fertilizers on acidic soils. The sulphur in fertilizer also helps plants absorb more nitrogen and phosphorus.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S) 8:20:30 (2) This grade is strong in potassium and phosphorus and low in nitrogen, making it suitable for primary application beginning in fall. It is especially beneficial for crops that require high levels of accessible phosphorus and potassium in the soil. It performs exceptionally well on soils with low potassium concentration, fine-textured soils, and leaching water regimes. It is a general-purpose fertilizer that is ideal for perennial grasses, sugar beets, and potatoes, as well as grains and legumes grown on high-sulfur soils.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S) 10:26:26 (2) This grade is strong in potassium and phosphorus and low in nitrogen, making it suitable for primary application beginning in fall. It is especially beneficial for crops that require high levels of accessible phosphorus and potassium in the soil. It performs exceptionally well on soils with low potassium concentration, fine-textured soils, and leaching water conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Urea N 46.2 The most concentrated granular nitrogen fertilizer for providing nitrogen to agricultural plants throughout their growth and development period, delivering plants with all three types of open-access nitrogen: amide, ammonium, and nitrate (after transformation in soil). It is appropriate for soils with a pH of 6.5. Its breakdown in soil causes alkalinization and subsequent acidity of the soil solution. This nitrogen fertilizer is the most environmentally benign and nontoxic to plants, with a wide variety of applications ranging from fall application during plowing to usage as an anti-stress agent. It is the sole type of nitrogen fertilizer available for rice.------------------------------------------------------------------NPK(S) 15:15:15 (10)
A complex universal fertilizer for all soils and crops, most efficient when used during pre-sowing cultivation or during sowing to tilled and technical crops. It also works well as a beginning fertilizer for spring cereals. The sulphur concentration guarantees that plants obtain enough nitrogen and phosphorus, while the potassium content allows for quicker delivery of synthesis products (carbohydrates) to root vegetables and seeds.